Every ceremony that I write is customized for you based on our communication (email, phone), face-to-face interview (when possible) and your wedding questionnaire. For types of rituals that can be performed during your wedding ceremony (e.g. sand ceremony), view this page.
Below are some examples of recent wedding/renewal ceremonies. Please keep in mind that custom written ceremonies are all different (these aren't templates below -- they were custom written based on emails / phone calls / meetings with the couple). If you decide on my Love and Marriage ceremony, there is an example as well, below. For that type of ceremony, you can still incorporate your preferences on any religious beliefs, readings, rituals, vows and more.
“All of our guests were blown away with how wonderful Brian beautifully captured our love story. No amount of words can describe how wonderful and incredible of a partner Brian is when it comes to planning for the big day.” - Caylin Steffey
Ceremony One (Wedding for a local couple):
Welcome everyone to this beautiful place in Pebble Beach as we join together Kathy and Sean as husband and wife. You couldnʼt ask for a more beautiful place to have a wedding – with this great house, the golf course and the ocean on a sunny day. Now, if I completely stop talking during the ceremony it is only because Iʼve noticed someone teeing off and I donʼt want them to slice or hook it. If you notice a good shot, please hold your applause until the bride and groom have kissed.
I think we all feel grateful to be a part of this special day – itʼs a day that has been eight years in the making! Kathy and Sean want to thank all of you, their closest family and friends, for coming today and they look forward to celebrating with you tonight! Knowing the bride & groom and some members of the bridal party, Iʼm sure itʼs going to be a night to remember!
Kathy and Sean have a lot of things in common – one of which is being fans of the San Francisco Giants. The Giants, as you know, won the World Series even though most experts didn't expect them to even get in to the playoffs. Because they played like a team, and as their manager said, loved each other, didn't complain about their roles and truly worked together and unselfishly, they ended up as
Marriage is a bit like baseball. You head in to Spring Training – or the dating and engagement phase – with all sorts of promise for finding “the one”. When you get married, “the season” starts. Just like in baseball, you have “hot streaks” when everything goes your way and in your in relationship heaven. You also go in to “slumps” when it seems like you just canʼt catch a break and you simply donʼt agree on anything. But the marriages that make it are the ones that can handle the ups and downs, the twists and the turns, by working together as a team and by truly and honestly loving each other above everything else. It takes being unselfish, focusing on your spouse, and compromising when necessary, to be that great husband and wife team.
Tonight, Kathy and Sean, you are making a commitment to each other, and to your family, that will last a lifetime. Knowing Kathy and Sean, they truly are “champions” that have shown over all the years of knowing each other a special love for each other. Today they will exchange rings – rings that are more valuable than a championship ring – because these rings are an expression of an endless love for each other – the end of free agency and the beginning of a long-term deal that will last forever.
So what does bring us here today? Well, it started with a blind date way back in 2004 at Schooners on Cannery Row. Having been on several blind dates before I met my wife, Heidi, I can imagine that Kathy and Sean both had a bit of apprehension about this type of set up. But, look at these two, good looking people! Iʼm sure there was a giant sense of relief when they first saw each other! There was definitely an instant attraction and – over time, that attraction turned in to a strong friendship, a partnership, and finally, this past December, an engagement. Today is the day that their eight year relationship is formalized as they officially become “Mr. and Mrs.”
What do Kathy and Sean love so much about each other that brings us here today? For Sean, he loves that Kathy is a great friend as well as a loving, caring mother to Bradley and Wyatt and her relationship with his step kidʼs, Nick and Mandy. He loves her beauty, her smile, and “phone Kathy” as well her alter ego “K2”. He is also thankful that she understands and supports the things the are most important to him. For Kathy, Sean is the most kind, caring, loving person she has ever known. He puts all others before himself — especially the kids. He is a wonderful father and a perfect partner. It doesn’t hurt that he is handsome too!!
Together they share a great friendship as well as a similar set of values and ethics. They feel truly blessed to have met each other.
And now, Kathy and Sean, if I could have you face each other, holding hands and looking in to each otherʼs eyes. Sean, please repeat after me:
I, Sean, take you Kathy, / to be my wife I promise to walk by your side forever And to love, help and encourage you
In all that you do.
I will take time to talk with you
To listen to you
And to care for you / and for our children I will share your laughter and your tears As your partner and best friend Everything I am / and everything I have Is Yours, Kathy
Now and Forevermore
Kathy, if you would please repeat after me:
I, Kathy, take you Sean, / to be my husband I promise to walk by your side forever
And to love, help and encourage you
In all that you do.
I will take time to talk with you
To listen to you
And to care for you / and for our children I will share your laughter and your tears As your partner and best friend Everything I am / and everything I have Is Yours, Sean
Now and Forevermore
Wyatt, If I may now have the rings please.
The wedding ring has been a traditional symbol of commitment and enduring love that – like a circle- has no end. These rings are the outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual bond that unites your two hearts in love that also has no end.
As often as either of you looks at this symbol, I hope that you will be reminded of the commitment to love each other, which you formalize today.
Sean, please place the ring on Kathyʼs finger and repeat after me:
This ring is a token of my love.
I marry you with this ring,
with all that I have
and all that I am
And now Kathy if you can place Seanʼs ring on his finger and repeat after me:
This ring is a token of my love.
I marry you with this ring,
with all that I have
and all that I am
We have now come to a very special part of the ceremony. You may have noticed to my LEFT a table containing a large vase and four smaller vases, each filled with a different color of sand. I would like to invite Wyatt and Bradley to join Kathy and Sean at this table.
Kathy and Sean, today you are making a life-long commitment to share the rest of your lives with each other. Your relationship will now be symbolized through the pouring of these individual containers of sand; one representing you Kathy, and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be, and one representing you Sean, and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be.
There are also 2 children who share in this marriage – Wyatt and Bradley. Each one of them will also pour an individual container of sand. The separate containers of sand represent your lives to this moment; individual and unique. As you combine your sand together, your lives also join together as one family.
Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage and your family be. You may now blend the sands together.
(We walk back up to the altar area)
Before we end todayʼs ceremony, I would like to read you a very special marriage blessing:
May you always have a special sense of your mission in life together, and may you never tire of the endless possibilities of exploring your shared existence.
And long, long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say,
“With you, I have lived the life I always wanted to live.
With you, I have become the person I always longed to be.”
And now we have to the end of the ceremony but the beginning of your new life together. It may have been the good fortune of meeting each other on a blind date that started this relationship, but it is your true love for each other and your children and your shared values that will keep you committed for a lifetime.
Kathy and Sean, inasmuch as you have recited your vows and exchanged these rings in front of all of those gathered here today, by the powers vested to me by the State of California, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you, husband and wife.
Sean, you may now kiss your bride.
Ladies and Gentleman, it is my pleasure for the very first time to announce to you
Mr. and Mrs. (name left off for privacy)
Ceremony 2 (Renewal for a couple from Australia)
I have officiated a lot weddings and renewals over the past few years. Meeting with someone like Billy helps me keep up my excitement level about what I do because of his passion for you, Paula. From what he has described to me, you have a relationship that is filled with romance, kindness, patience and understanding and a lot of fun!
When Billy and I met, he mentioned being on a “Big Holiday” with you. It made me think that being married should be like a “Holiday.” Often times, people equate it to being more of a “job” – something that you HAVE to put time in to in an arduous way to keep it going at an even keel. But marriage needs a lot of things – and one of those is fun. And Adventure. And passion. And the unexpected. Which brings us to tonight’s main event – the renewing of your vows after 20 years of marriage. SURPRISE!
So what has made this union work? I’m sure it hasn’t been easy with only spending about 100 days a year together. My wife sometimes complains that I am around TOO much – as we live and work together in the house and spend almost 24/7 together. She is usually asking me when I am leaving more than “when are you coming home?” You two have an air of mystery while being apart.
And when you are together, you make the very most of that time – including taking fantastic trips such as this one. By the way, I told Billy that if you need a personal valet, I can be packed and ready to go by tonight! No, seriously!
Back home, the Olympics are taking place. Marriage relates to several Olympic events. You have dating – which has the rush of the 100 meter sprint. You have the honeymoon stage which is something beautiful and poetic like synchronized diving or the floor exercise in gymnastics. Then you have 20 years of marriage which is more like a triathlon – a long journey through the different events in your life that are filled with peaks and valleys. If I could, I would give you both a gold medal at this stage of your marriage – you deserve to be standing up on that podium together listening to “God Save the Queen.”
But what do you love most about each other? For Billy, he loves your beautiful green eyes, your fantastic smile and your soft gentle nature. Paula, he loves the way you look at how wonderful life is and that you are so happy to spend time together with Billy – even when it is limited.
Now, I know this is a surprise so I will let you tell Billy what you love about him right after you renew your vows – hopefully we have enough time because I’m sure you have a lot to say!
I would like to take a brief moment here to bow our heads and give thanks for your relationship:
Dear God, thank you for bringing together Paula and Billy as husband and wife. Thirty three years have passed since they first met and you have blessed them with an incredible life and relationship. I ask that you help to remind them that they should always let there love be stronger than any obstacle that may fall in their way. Remind them to continue to be best friends and to never, ever take each other for granted. Most importantly, I ask that they always remember your greatest commandment: to love one another. Continue to bless this marriage and I ask that you keep Billy safe as he continues serving England and our fight for freedom. Amen
Renewal of Vows:
The vows you will now renew are a solemn pledge of love and are a reaffirmation of your commitment to one another. Please face each other and join hands.
Billy, if you wish to reaffirm your love for Paula, then look into her eyes and into her heart and repeat after me:
Blessed with you,Paula,
I give thanks for our togetherness
through all these years
which has enriched our lives beyond measure,
and promise again with all my heart
to love you
and to cherish you
all the days of our lives.
Paula, if you wish to reaffirm your love for Billy, then look into his eyes and into his heart and repeat after me:
Blessed with you, Billy,
I give thanks for our togetherness
through all these years
which has enriched our lives beyond measure,
and promise again with all my heart
to love you
and to cherish you
all the days of our lives.
And now, you can each say something to each other, straight from the heart starting with Billy:
Exchange of Current Rings:
Billy and Paula, you have been wearing rings as the outward symbols of your ongoing commitment to each other. From earliest times, the ring has been a symbol of wedded love. An unbroken and never-ending circle that symbolizes a commitment to love that is also never ending.
Billy, hold Paula’s hand, touch her ring, symbolically giving it to her again, and say to her these words.
From this day on,
I recommit myself to you,
and this ring
is a symbol of my pledge.
Paula, hold Billy’s hand, touch his ring, symbolically giving it to him again, and say to him these words:
From this day on,
I recommit myself to you,
and this ring
is a symbol of my pledge.
Today, you have once again, declared your love for each other, by the renewing of your marriage vows. The promises of the love and devotion you have for each other have been reaffirmed and are as meaningful today as they were on your wedding day. Your hearts beat as one, Every breath you take is shared by the other, every moment in your lives will reflect the deepest beauty that is the essence of your very being….the unfaltering eternal love that is your life together.
Before we conclude tonight’s ceremony, I would like to read from the greatest author of love from the book of Corinthians Chapter 13:
Love is Patient.
Love is Kind.
It does not Envy.
It does not Boast.
It is not proud and is not self seeking
It is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil BUT rejoices in the truth.
It always protects.
It always trusts.
It always hopes
Always Perseveres
Billy and Paula, having witnessed your vows of love and commitment, I do affirm that you have expressed your desire to continue your journey together as husband and wife.
You may now seal your vows, and confirm your continued commitment and love for each other, with a kiss.
Ceremony 3 Renewal:
Once upon a time, in England, a young Italian girl met her Sri Lankan Prince. They started as friends, then best friends…forward 17 years later, on their 10th wedding anniversary…they are each other’s true loves and soul mates. Their journey hasn’t always been easy, they had to cross mountains and oceans, literally, but their love has always been stronger than anything. Born worlds apart, God has brought them together first in England and then in the United States. Angie left her family behind for love, to follow her heart and her true love Sulak to the other side of the world where California has become their love nest. Their home away from home. Today they are reunited in marriage again in one of their special places, to pledge their love and commitment to one another once again.
As a wedding officiant, I have met with a lot of couples – ones that are getting married and others that are, like you, renewing your vows. I can honestly say that I have never met two people that are so much in love. Not only is your love strong, but also your enthusiasm for the life that you share. It is my pleasure – no, my honor – to be a part of this renewal ceremony.
Seventeen years ago you were fortunate enough to meet at the same university in Brighton, England. When you think about where you both came from and how big this planet is, it’s pretty miraculous that your paths crossed. I’m not a big believer in random chances. I think it was definitely a divine destiny that brought you together. As a “tech” person, Sulak, I’m sure if you conceived an app that could bring two people together, it could never replicate the two of you finding each other. In fact, when people are looking for their perfect match, you could say, “Yeah, God has an app for that – it’s called faith and trust in Him. A once shy girl from Italy meeting a handsome man from Sri Lanka — I think we may even have the makings of a good hollywood script for the next great romantic movie!
For some people the act of getting married or even renewing their vows can be a bit of a formality. But in your case, you both love, love. You both share a passion for expressing your love to each other and you are both true romantics. As you said to me, if you could – you would get married every day. Even though you share so much in common, you are also Yin and Yang. And that makes the relationship even more vibrant — after all, who wants to marry their clone? It is in how you are different from each other that actually completes you as a couple.
When you rode up to the staircase on horseback, it reminded me of a fairy tale. A handsome prince, a beautiful princess. I can imagine that first meeting while taking that dance class and the spark that must have been ignited between the two of you when you first joined hands and did your Salsa and Merengue. Just like with Prince Charming and Cinderella, your love story started on a dance floor and has continued for the past 17 years. The major milestone, of course, was when you, Sulak, proposed to Angie on this exact same beach 11 years ago. For both of you, your first real love, your first boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, became something extraordinary. Most people search decades for the right person and you found “the one” on your first try! Remind me to take you to buy a Powerball ticket because you truly may be the two luckiest and blessed people on Earth.
But what are the reasons for your success? What do you love so much about each other that you have been inseparable for the past 17 years and formed the dynamic duo of “Batman” and “Robin?” For you Sulak, you love that Angie has a strong, unconditional love for you and she has a true and honest concern for everyone around her. She lives her life according to God’s word and is one of the most selfless, caring, compassionate people you have ever met. Because of who she is, she makes you want to be a better man every day. And when she laughs or smiles, she makes you want to laugh and smile. What you love the most about her, aside from her astounding beauty, is her heart and soul. She is your everything. For you Angie, you love how much Sulak loves you. When he looks at you, it’s as if time has not passed and you’re back at University taking that dance class together. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for you and he is hardworking, easygoing and keeps you grounded. He shares your strong moral compass and your love for God. Even though he is sensible and responsible, he has a tremendous sense of humor, cheekiness and a light hearted spirit. He is your “caped crusader” – always wanting to swoop in and rescue you. Together, you are each others best friends and soul mates in a way, again, I have never seen before.
Before I have you recite your vows, I would like to read from the Bible, First Corinthians 13 – the same reading from your church wedding in Italy ten year ago and words that you have lived by throughout your marriage.
Love is Patient. Love is Kind. It does not Envy. It does not Boast. It is not proud and is not self seeking. It is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil BUT rejoices in the truth. It always protects. It always trusts. It always hopes. Always Perseveres. Love – never fails.
And now, if I can have you facing each other (place down or hand off bouquet), holding hands and looking in to each others eyes. Angie and Sulak, I remind you that marriage is a precious gift; a lifelong dedication to love and a daily challenge to love one another more fully and more freely.
With this understanding, do you Sulak continue to take Angie as your beloved wife? Will you continue to be a tender, faithful husband? Will you continue to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and keep yourself only unto her? (I DO)
With this understanding, do you Angie, continue to take Sulak as your beloved husband? Will you continue to be a tender, faithful wife? Will you continue to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and keep yourself only unto him? (I DO)
Angie and Sulak, I understand you have also written your own personal vows that you would now like to share with each other and with all of us. Sulak….(followed by Angie)
I will now present you with your rings – the outward symbols of your renewed commitment. (Officiant hands rings)
Sulak and Angie, you have been wearing your wedding rings as the outward symbols of your ongoing commitment to each other. From earliest times, the ring has been a symbol of wedded love. An unbroken and never-ending circle symbolizes a commitment to love that is also never ending.
Sulak, if you will place the ring on Angie’s finger and please repeat after me:
From this day on,
I recommit myself to you, and this ring, is a symbol of my pledge.
Angie, if you will place the ring on Sulak’s finger and please repeat after me:
From this day on,
I recommit myself to you, and this ring, is a symbol of my pledge.
Let these rings that you have exchanged serve as a reminder of the recommitment that you have made to each other on this special day. During any times of difficulty, which we all experience in our marriages, look down at your ring and remember that your love is strong. Your love is forever.
Angie and Sulak, you have reaffirmed your love and your sacred commitment of lifelong devotion to one another. Your lives are thus joined past, present and future throughout the sands of time. In recognition of your continued commitment, would you please take your individually colored sand and pour it into the center vase. I will then add my blessing by pouring a small portion of Carmel beach sand to seal your vows.
Sulak and Angie, tonight you have once again, declared your love for each other, by the renewing of your marriage vows. The promises of the love and devotion you have for each other have been reaffirmed in our presence and are as meaningful today as they were on your wedding day. Your hearts beat as one, Every breath you take is shared by the other, every moment in your lives will reflect the deepest beauty that is the essence of your very being….the unfaltering eternal love that is your life together.
Pronouncement as Husband and Wife:
Angie and Sulak, having witnessed your vows of love and commitment, I do affirm that you have expressed your desire to continue your journey together as husband and wife.
You may seal your vows, and confirm your continued commitment and love for each other, with a kiss.
Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to introduce you once again to Mr. and Mrs. (name left off for privacy)
Congratulazioni. I nostri migliori auguri e tanta felicità.
Ceremony 4 Wedding
Please be seated.
Welcome everyone to this beautiful Winery in Monterey County as we join together Dennis and Kimberly as husband and wife. Being in a place like this that makes some fantastic wines, always makes me think of a celebration. And that is what today is all about – a gathering of close family and friends to celebrate the decision that Dennis and Kimberly have made to get married. They really wanted to take this time to thank all of you for coming today – many of you from very far away. They ask that you always remember this moment in time and that you keep a special place in your hearts for them and they offer to do the same.
As most of you know, Dennis and Kimberly met when Dennis was piloting a Southwest jet and Kimberly, a United Airlines pilot, was jump seating in the cockpit. Now when you figure there are about 30,000 commercial flights a day in the United States, the chances of Dennis and Kimberly being on the same plane was pretty remote. And then the chances that there was no space for Kimberly but in the cockpit itself is even more remarkable. But God’s favor was clearly evident on that day because these two wonderful people did meet and instantly “hit it off.” Dennis, ever being the gentleman, didn’t ask for Kimberly’s number that day BUT, thanks to social media, he did find her on Facebook and asked her if she wanted to have an “adventure with him.” Well, this phrase can be interpreted by a woman in many different ways and Kimberly decided to not respond for about 4 months. But those of you that know Dennis well know that he only had the best intentions in mind and wanted to take Kimberly out on a fun date to get to know her better. Eventually, they did reconnect and had their first date. From that point forward, aside from geography, they have been inseparable.
When I was writing this ceremony and remembering about how Dennis and Kimberly first met, it made me think about how dating and flying are similar. When you go out on that first date, it’s like taking off. Your excited, nervous and a bit apprehensive. As you get to know someone, it’s like that climb through the clouds — there is a sense of wonder and curiosity and an interest in seeing where this might lead. And after you date for a while – or level off – we all come to a crossroads. Where will this new relationship lead? Is it headed for something wonderful and romantic – like landing somewhere in Hawaii – or is it destined to for something not worth waiting around for – like landing in Midland-Odessa. For Dennis and Kimberly, their romantic adventure is like a round-the-world ticket – going from one beautiful place to another. This is a relationship that will have them racking up the miles because its a trip they plan on staying on forever.
But what is it that Dennis and Kimberly love so much about each other that they are making this commitment in front of all of us today? For Dennis, Kimberly is the most beautiful woman he has ever met; and not only her physical beauty, but a person that is so kind, sweet, loving and caring that he cannot imagine his life apart from her. She is the only person that he can share everything with. When they are together, he can’t help but be happy because of her positive outlook on life, her quick wit and great sense of humor. For Kimberly, she loves Dennis because he is perfect for her — pretty much, everything a girl could ever want in a man. He is generous, intelligent, adventurous and funny. He takes care of her and even spoils her. She knows that there is nothing that he wouldn’t do for her and he is quite simply, her soulmate. This adventure that they are on together is something spectacular and they are looking forward to starting this next leg of their journey as husband and wife.
Dennis and Kimberly, if I can have you now face each other and holding hands (hand off bouquet to MOH).
Dennis, do you take Kimberly to be your beloved wife, to have and to hold her, to honor her, to treasure her, to be at her side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish her always? Do you promise all of these things straight from your heart, for all the days of your life?
[I DO]
Kimberly, do you take Dennis to be your beloved husband, to have and to hold him, to honor him, to treasure him, to be at his side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish him always? Do you promise all of these things straight from your heart, for all the days of your life?
[I DO]
Dennis and Kimberly would like to say something to each other straight from the heart as their own personal vows, and share that with all of you. Dennis….
Brent, If I may have the rings please
The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two hearts in endless love. And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, Dennis please place the ring on Kimberly’s left hand and repeat after me:
I give you this ring to wear
with love and joy.
As a ring has no end,
neither shall my love for you.
I choose you to be my wife
this day and forevermore.
Kimberly, please place the ring on Dennis’ left hand and repeat after me:
I give you this ring to wear
with love and joy.
As a ring has no end,
neither shall my love for you.
I choose you to be my wife
this day and forevermore.
We have now come to the end of this ceremony but the beginning of your new life together. Like the wines that ferment in the barrels around us, your relationship will continue to grow and mature and become stronger and stronger with each and every year. Remember this moment and the love that you share and the love that surrounds you from your family and friends. It may have been God’s favor that brought you together on that flight, but it is your love and trust in one another, that will keep you in wedded bliss for eternity.
Kimberly and Dennis, having witnessed your exchange of wedding vows and the exchange of these beautiful rings in front of all those gathered here tonight, and with the powers vested to me by the State of California, it gives me great pleasure to formally pronounce you as husband and wife.
Dennis, you may now kiss your bride!
Ceremony 5:
Please be seated.
Welcome everyone to this amazing ocean view setting in the romantic city of Carmel as we join together Ian and Jenny as husband and wife. You couldn’t ask for a more beautiful place to have a wedding. Back in 2008, our happy couple stopped in this quaint village town while on holiday. On a chilly, mid-May morning they walked out onto this beach, and instantly knew that this location was special. A place of peace and harmony with deep white sands, a cool mist in the air, and a crystal blue ocean with the occasional sea otter popping up its head to say “hello”. They took a photo on the steps just behind us and came back to visit again when they got engaged. When they were choosing where to celebrate becoming husband and wife they knew this was the place.
Today is not just about them repeating a series of vows and making promises. It is a celebration — one that includes their two smartly dressed boys who look like they are ready for a night at the Oscars in their handsome tuxedos! They are especially excited to have all of you, the people they treasure most in this world, here with them on this special occasion. They thought they would be standing here alone and are touched by the fact that you have travelled to be here, in many cases, from thousands of miles away. They hope you take advantage of this holiday in the United States, see as much as you can, and avoid running into any Trump rallies!
Ian and Jenny met back in December, 2000, while spending the season snowboarding in Breckenridge, Colorado. As fate would have it, they were housemates in a home filled with other snowboarding Brits. Through the crowd of 17 other housemates and a house filled with down jackets, boots and snowboards, Ian noticed Jenny right away. For Jenny, she was a bit distracted by her surroundings but did notice Ian once he cut off his shaggy Brit-pop style hair and replaced it with a grade 1 buzz cut on New Year’s Eve. Over the next few months their friendship grew into a relationship and they both realized they had something special. When they enjoyed their first date at a little Italian restaurant, Jenny knew she was in love with Ian….and the pesto and the cannoli! They have been inseparable ever since. When Ian proposed, almost 12 years later, he did it right outside that house in Colorado where they first met. It may have taken a while – in fact, they have been together longer than most couples who renew their vows here! But all good – no great – things take time and this marriage celebration was well worth the wait. These two have found the love of their life and are ready to start this next adventure as husband and wife.
Before we have our couple recite their vows, I would like to read a short selection entitled The Art of Marriage by Wilferd Peterson:
“Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. A good marriage must be created.
In the art of marriage the little things are the big things...
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day.
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is at no time taking the other for granted; the courtship should not end with the honeymoon, it should continue through all the years.
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.
It is standing together facing the world.
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.
It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy.
It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is not looking for perfection in each other.
It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humor
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is finding room for the things of the spirit.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal, dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner. It is discovering what marriage can be, at its best.”
Ian and Jenny would now like to say something to each other, their own personal vows. Ian….(followed by Jenny)
Jenny, I take you to be my wife.
I promise to walk by your side forever and to love you with all my heart.
I will help and encourage you in all that you do.
I will listen to you and care for you and I will share your laughter and your tears as your partner and best friend.
Everything I am and everything I have is yours, now and forevermore.
Ian, I take you to be my husband.
I promise to walk by your side forever and to love you with all my heart.
I will help and encourage you in all that you do.
I will listen to you and care for you and I will share your laughter and your tears as your partner and best friend.
Everything I am and everything I have is yours, now and forevermore.
Today, Nathan is holding the precious rings that will symbolize this marriage union. His brother, Jacob, is providing the smiles that bring an extra dose of happiness to these precious instruments. These rings are the outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual bond that unites your two hearts in an enduring love. May these rings always remind you of your vows and the commitment to love each other that you have made here today.
Nathan, if I may have the rings please?
Ian, please take Jenny’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me:
This ring is a token of my love.
I marry you with this ring,
with all that I have
and all that I am
Jenny, please take Ian’s ring and place it on his finger and repeat after me:
This ring is a token of my love.
I marry you with this ring,
with all that I have
and all that I am
We have now come to the end of this ceremony but the beginning of your new life together. It may have been chance that first brought you together as housemates all those years ago, but it is your love, friendship and the love for your boys that will keep you together for a lifetime. May you always have a special sense of your mission in life, and may you never tire of the endless possibilities of exploring your shared existence. And long, long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say, “With you, I have lived the life I always wanted to live. With you, I have become the person I always longed to be.”
Ian and Jenny, having witnessed the exchange of your vows as well as the exchange of your wedding rings, with the powers vested to me by the State of California, it gives me great pleasure to now pronounce you as husband and wife.
Ian, you may now kiss your bride!
Sample Standard, Pre-Written, beautiful ceremony
If you are choosing a standard ceremony, an example is provided below. Even though it is not custom written, you do still provide your preferences on: religious (yes or no), vows (repeat after me or "I Do's"), personal statements / vows (yes or no), any readings you would like to incorporate, and how you would like to be announced as well as any announcements you would like me to make.
Welcome everyone to this beautiful, countryside hotel in Carmel Valley as we join together Jordan and Dorie as husband and wife. Although this ceremony may be small and intimate, the importance for it cannot be understated. Today, Jordan and Dorrie are making the decision to become married and to spend the rest of their forever together. They would like to thank all of you for coming today, the people that have been there to support them and love them every step of the way. They ask that you take in every moment - from this ceremony, to the reception, to the last dance and your final goodbye. Today will go by in the blink of an eye but these memories that we are creating today, will last for a lifetime.
(For a religious ceremony, an opening prayer can be inserted here)
Jordan and Dorrie, today is the day that you are formally making your promises to one another. Although this is indeed a high point, marriage is a journey, not a destination. Marriage is more than any one single event or promise. It is a series of actions that have been made, and will continue to be made, every day, that shows your care and concern for the person you each love most in the world.
Marriage is a promise that is renewed daily through a couples actions and a responsibility taken on in the spirit of faith, and hope, and love, that brings comfort in times of sadness and heightens our greatest joy.
The symbolic vows that you are about to make are a way of saying to one another, “You know all those things that we’ve promised, and hoped, and dreamed – well, I meant it all, each and every word.”
For after today you shall say to the world – This is my husband. This is my wife.
(If you have a reading in mind, either I or a member of your wedding party or a guest can read it here or after the ring exchange)
And now, Jordan and Dorrie, if I can have you face each other and holding hands and looking into the eyes of the person you are about to marry.
Jordan, please repeat after me:
Dorrie, I take you to be my wife;
To love you with all my heart;
To share with you all my soul;
To grow with you through all my days;
As long as we both shall live.
Dorrie, please repeat after me:
Jordan, I take you to be my husband;
To love you with all my heart;
To share with you all my soul;
To grow with you through all my days;
As long as we both shall live.
Jordan and Dorie would now like to say something to each other, straight from the heart, and to share those thoughts and feelings with all of you. Jordan (followed by Dorie).
If I may have the rings please
Traditionally, the passage to the status of husband and wife is marked by the exchange of rings. These rings are a
symbol of the unbroken circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning and it has no end. May these rings always remind you of the love that you share and the vows you have taken.
Jordan, please take Dorrie’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me:
Just as this circle has no end,
my love for you is never-ending.
With this ring,
I take you to be my wife.
Dorrie, please take Jordan’s ring and place it on his finger and repeat after me:
Just as this circle has no end,
my love for you is never-ending.
With this ring,
I take you to be my husband
And now, Jordan and Dorrie, we come to the end of this wedding ceremony but the beginning of your new life together. May you always have a special sense of your mission in life together, and may you never tire of the endless possibilities of exploring your shared existence. And long, long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say,“With you, I have lived the life I always wanted to live. With you, I have become the person I always longed to be.”
Jordan and Dorrie, having witnessed your exchange of rings and of your vows, in front of all those gathered here today and with the powers vested to me by the State of California, I can now happily pronounce you husband and wife.
Jordan, you may now kiss your bride.
Ladies and Gentleman, it is my great pleasure to announce to you for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan (last name withheld for privacy).
(Announcements for the guests made)